Using the latest version of Solidworks and CSWA personel, FabDraft can design and create your models. From parts, multi-body parts & weldments, to assemblies.
Already have 3D files, but need the detail work completed? FabDraft can assist with that. We can provide the tedious details that are important to building your final product.
FabDraft offers a few different alternatives to updating or converting your 2D (DXF,DWG,PDF) files to 3D models in many export format options.
FabDraft provides reverse engineering services that include physical measurements, a 3D model, PDF drawings, and all files required. Inquire about more detailed reverse measuring techniques available.
If you or your company is struggling with building a comprehensive library of components, looking for various types of conversions to sheet metal, converting multi-body parts to assemblies, or any other "loose" solidworks ends? FabDraft can assist with these types of details that could slow your projects down.
FabDraft offers a range of services for layouts, on site measuring/large scale reverse engineering items, fixture and tool design, wood & plastic projects, weld and layout prints/drawings, and much more. Contact us to see if we can help with your next project
Coming Soon......Please contact to inquire.
Some of which include CNC Plasma cutting, 3D Printing, CNC Machining, and prototyping! Check out our Gallery for pictures of projects!
Some of our Equipment Includes:
-Eagle 4x4 plasma hypertherm 45xp
-Tormach 1100PCNC CNC Mill
-Wells Index Manual Mill
-Vevor 12" Benchtop Lathe
-Lotos MIG175 w/ Spool Gun
-PrimeWeld 255XT TIG
-8" Horizontal Band Saw